Our indigenous partner NGO South Sudan Health Association (SSUHA) recently undertook a field trip to undertake ground assessments for our participatory WASH project:
SSUHA’s Project Support Officer, Denis Okello Muno, has recently returned to Juba following a three-day field trip to Lainya County. The trip included a meeting with the Chief of Korobe and Mundu bomas to introduce Health Care South Sudan and SSUHA’s participatory WASH project, part of the Hygiene is in your hands fundraising campaign.
Assessments have explored the opportunity to support work to repair six boreholes in Korobe and four boreholes in Mundu bomas. Repair works will focus on replacing pipe work and repairing the borehole platforms as well as installing hand pump mechanics. Embracing both Health Care South Sudan and SSUHA’s participatory approach, the project will involve recruitment of local people to support its delivery including, community home health promoters and a WASH assistant for the project.
Following the fieldtrip, SSUHA is presenting its findings and report to Health Care South Sudan to discuss next steps with a target for commencing project work in the coming months.
You can follow our campaign on Twitter @healthcaresudan and visit our website for future updates: healthcaresouthsudan.org.uk.